Sunday, January 26, 2014

In Need? Yes....Of A Shower!

My normal routine for a bit now on Sundays has been to leave work at Hoss's, go to Moe's to check my schedule and get something to eat while I'm there.  This week the only change was I left Hoss's early enough to come home and get Xander so he could go grab dinner with me.  We had yet another great meal at Moe's and then went to the Sincerely Yogurt location next door for dessert.  Since my meals at Moe's are half off even when I'm not working I figured I'd treat myself.  I proceeded to get cheesecake yogurt and load it up.  When I went to pay for it the owner, who I know from him dining at Moe's all the time, informed me that the girls in front of us had paid for our dessert.  He mistook my surprise for confusion and continued to elaborate on an idea that I've heard of but never experienced first hand.  It really struck me and shocked me and it is upsetting that you never get to thank the people who do these amazing things.  As Xander and I sit and eat we chat up the owner and he even gives Xander some candy since I refused to allow him to put Sour Patch Kids in our New York Cheesecake yogurt.  When we went to leave I approached the counter to keep the kindess going and help pay for the next patron that comes along.  As I am doing so the owner hands me a roll of money and tells me that the people in front of me wanted us to have this as well.  This is where I get totally lost.  This is out of the ordinary, right?  I mean the roll contained less than 10.00 but it is still very odd.  I told the owner to keep the money and keep the generosity going all while refusing to grab the money.  While I continue to urge him to keep it he hands it to Xander.  Back and forth we went for a few moments and in the end we thanked him and walked out with Xander clutching a wad of bills.
Now I realize that I looked rough after working, falling down the steps and limping my way to dinner,  I'm not offended if the girls ahead of me thought I was poor because I kinda looked the part in a dirty uniform and a jacket covered in liquid that previously occupied.  If anything I would like to thank the girls.  If anything ELSE I'd like to tell them I didn't let Xander get yogurt because he's so picky he refuses even delicious snacks until you almost have to force him to eat them.  In the end I went to get Mexican and yogurt and pretty much came home with more money in my pocket than I left with.

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