Monday, September 26, 2011

The Day Drug Testing Became Necessary

I’ve smoked weed.  I’ll admit it.  But it was a long time ago and since then something awful has happened to the people who enjoy weed.  What happened you may ask?  Well they forgot that weed is best taken when you have nothing or maybe very little to do.  It’s a way to relax a little more, enjoy a movie in a different way or alter the interaction between you and a few of your stoner friends.  I’ve got no issue with the way things USED to be. 

Nowadays these kids think they can come to work high and nobody will notice.  We notice.  The problem is you have a shitty job that nobody else wants to do and while maybe getting high helps you cope with that it only serves to slllllooooooooowwwwwww down your work speed.  Thanks to that it takes you way longer to accomplish any/all tasks.  I don’t even want to think about how many of these kids think getting high before and during school is a way just to cruise through the day.  News flash you fucking retards…if you don’t learn anything you won’t get anywhere.  At least have the decency to stash the joint away for after school and try to pay attention during class.  You might learn something, get a decent job and maybe you’ll be able to afford better recreational, as in not when you have something better to do, weed. 

I obviously won’t be able to type something here that will “cure” a pothead but I beg you guys to spark up a brain cell more often than you spark up a joint and you’ll see what I’m getting at here.  There are a few productive stoners, Kevin Smith and Seth Rogan come to mind, but are you really aspiring to be either one of those fat clowns?  I sure hope not or weed is the LEAST of your problems after all. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

But I’m Not A Star Wars Nerd

I have bought every major home video release of Star Wars, but I’m not a Star Wars nerd. I’ve bought, put together and displayed a number of Star Wars jigsaw puzzle, but I’m not a Star Wars nerd. I waited in line for Episode 1 tickets for over 24 hours, but I’m not a Star Wars nerd.  I bought the full line of Episode 1 figures, but I’m not a Star Wars nerd. I have a Star Wars shirt that I wore to the Episode 1 premiere and then never put on again, but I’m not a Star Wars nerd.  I’ve played numerous games based on the Star Wars franchise even the ones VERY loosely based in the universe, but I’m not a Star Wars nerd.

With all said I am going to let the blu-ray release of the movies just pass by.  Will I get them down the road so Xander and I can watch them?  Most likely.  I just don’t see a need to go out and spend such a large amount of money on release day for a set of movies that are so vastly different than the ones I’ve enjoyed as I grew up.  I’m not a Star Wars nerd but rather a movie lover and Star Wars is/was a beloved movie.  I put was in there because I really think the backlash gets bigger and bigger each time the saga is changed or “improved”.  Each time a number of fans turn their back on the saga and choose to remember it the way it was and not the way it is now.  I’d be all for a director’s cut if they also would have the decency to put the original version on the discs as well.  I love some of the improved scenery and alterations as long as the existed along side the original saga.  I know it is often small changes but previously it was the Han Shot First debate that raged on.  With the blu-ray release it has become about Vader screaming Nooooooo during the end of Episode IV.  As a Star Wars FAN it is upsetting but as a movie FAN I have to just shrug and let it go since I can’t change it. 

Will I go see the movies when they come out in 3D down the road?  I guess that is left up to George Lucas and his obsession with revisionist history and CGI.