Monday, December 24, 2007

I May Just Live To Regret This

I pop on the computer tonight and figured I will check MySpace like so many other pathetic and lost souls out there. I see the notification that I have a new message. Oh joy….someone loves me. I see one of three ex-girlfriends I have as friends sent me a message. I click the message and skim it fast. It looks like some of crazy spam in broken Engrish. Then I read it again. It makes a little more sense but it’s still confusing as hell. It seems that my ex, whom I have communicated with maybe 6 times in the past year, has a jealous/pissed other half. This message came from that other half….

Why the fuck are you and my ex- fiancee chatting secretively online? And why the fuck do you have a picture of her in your albums with the caption “…one of my biggest crushes in H.S.? H.S. was over a long time ago– grow the fuck up and get over it. You don’t know me. I don’t play geeky whiteboy games. If you have something to say to me and if you have any balls, ask your new love Erin and she will give you contact info so we could meet face to face. BITCH!

Yup… one picture of this girl does have that caption so I know he can read. I have pictures of a few former girlfriends so it really is no huge scandal but at this point I’m fucking fuming. I reply….

Merry Christmas to you too.

No wonder I am loved so damn much. Last week or so I posted two funny videos on MySpace and she commented in a message back about how funny they were. Is this the shit that sends this man off into a tirade? He then sends me yet another touching message that reads….

Fuck you, you video game playing, star trek watching geek faggot.

Now my first issues with this is that my profile clearly says…”Calling me a geek is actually a compliment”. So is he trying to apologize now? Hmmmmm. My second issue is that fact that is I was a faggot I wouldn’t be taking the time to write all these sweet messages to his girl all secretively…wait….let me correct his spelling….secretively. So my natural response is this…

You act as if those names are going to really hurt me or the threats you made will fill me with an odd sense of fear. I really wish I had time to visit with you when you come to State College tomorrow night. You seem like a real nice chap with whom I could really get along with. Certainly seems we have the same taste in women.

Ok….maybe I should of held back a little toward the end but you only live once. It actually took a bit of time for him to respond this time around. By the looks of things it took most of that time to find the Caps Lock button. He thought this would be a good message to send me….


Thats if u have any balls. Or did she suck them off?

Look….he has a little pet name for her. Kind of a bad choice if you ask me. I ponder his offer for a matter of moments and fire this message off…

We can meet at that gay bar you frequent when she is out of town. It’s just an idea….let me know.

Let me know when you think I have crossed the line because I can never tell. Something tells me that he might not deal with his sexuality being questioned nearly as well as I did. As soon as he figures out how to bold I am sure I’ll get a response.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

He Couldn’t Help That It Was In His Jeans

Today my wife and I were chatting over lunch and she did one of those moves where you suddenly remember you want to tell someone something very important and the words come out so fast they all get jammed up in your mouth. I must of said the word penis and the light bulb above her head came to a dull flicker. She told me a coworker was having a problem with her son. This woman found a notebook in her son’s room and it had random penis drawings scattered throughout it. For anyone who has seen Superbad you automatically have an amusing reaction. Combine that with my already perverted matter I found it damn funny. Then add on the fact the kid is 16 and I damn near lost it. I explained to my wife how the Superbad DVDs at various retail stores came with extra goodies like stickers or a fake McLovin ID. She figured it was something from the movie but I hadn't heard of a fake notebook being an exclusive at any store. I was then tasked with the job of finding out more about this notebook on the internet. I can tell you that when you Google the phrase penis drawings you never even come close to clicking the image search link. I was about to post about this odd problem on the DVD forum I go to but luckily I was spared the embarrassment. I found a post on some random blog via Google where some girl was so happy she bought a Superbad notebook at Hot Topic. Weird thing was she was happy about it and had never seen the movie. So here was have a mother who couldn't tell that the notebook with Superbad’s logo stamped across it and it had the character’s name from the movie scribbled on it. Her son must not fall far from the perceivable tree because he paid ten bucks for gay red notebook with cocks scattered over the pages. I wonder if they ever have brainstorms in that house or just a couple of drips.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I Need Fricking Laser Beams

don’t really have rage issues. I just have low tolerance for certain things/people and I am forced to face these things/people way too often. With friends I may not be perfect but I am relatively kind. The one exception is when a friend crosses me or screws me over. my defense system kicks in and my main weapon is pretty much a combination of verbal abuse and sarcasm. It’s like a combo platter from hell. Yesterday I reached the end of my rope with a friend. Calling her wasn’t an option so I had to resort to text messages for the time being. I started off with a few snide messages but apparently she so fucking oblivious that I need to kick it up a level. I’m not really worried about upsetting her since I really want to have nothing to do with her now. From here on out my goal is just to emotionally cripple her. I know this makes me sound like a real prick to those random folks out there but I’m a little out of practice when it comes to being a true friend. I really don’t interact with my four real friends so I’ve become a little off my game. Since it seems I can’t make or keep new friends I sure as hell home these four people will still put up with me.

On a lighter note I just found out about this video below….

It seems the artist in the video was sued by Square Enix for stealing images and storylines from their Final Fantasy movie. Seems like a stupid lawsuit until I watched the video. Looks like someone was feeling rather uncreative and really dug the animated movie. The artist claimed the music video was a parody. It clearly isn’t. Then the artist claimed she tried to get the rights but couldn't find the contact info for Square, which is a huge company. That’s like me walking out of Wal-Mart on my DVD run tonight without paying for them and then when the alarms go off I tell them I couldn't find the registers to pay for them. She knew her “original idea” for this video would never fly and now it’s a matter of her lawyers trying to bullshit other lawyers. Shame the video won’t be made available anywhere because it’s kind of cool….good thing I already own Final Fantasy: Advent Children so I can pretty much see it whenever I want.

Thursday, December 6, 2007

The Consuming Black Friday Gloom

So many people just seem to go out of their minds around the holiday season. I really think the trigger is Black Friday. Even if you don’t shop I think that somehow the madness of the day infects you. It’s like secondhand smoke that way. From that day until a few days after New Years the whole country is more than a little off their game. I have to say that last December was probably one of the top 3 worst fucking months I have ever had the displeasure of living to see. Someone took a Jenga piece from the very bottom of my tower it took way past 12/31 to build that son of a bitch back up to where it should of been. Really have to say this December isn’t feeling much better at times. It’s hard to get into the season knowing how well last year went. I’d rather be a bear and just sleep until spring when people are fucking normal again.

To make my life worse the one main distraction I have, my XBOX 360, died a few days ago. The coffin to ship it back is on its way here. Thank god my Wii is here to provide some comfort. I have a 360 rental sitting here that I am dying to play and it seems that each day some great new content pops up on XBOX Live. What a shitty situation.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Batteries Not Included….Or Even Needed

Greetings all. It’s sure is nice to be back. For almost the past month a vicious cold has been kicking my ass and keeping me from some of my side tasks like blogging. I’m on meds and back on track. Let’s roll….

This past Saturday was “Thanksgiving” for my wife’s family. Originally it was supposed to be my brother-in-laws wedding day but that was scrapped entirely about a month or so ago. I can’t even recall if I blogged about that but it’s a damn shame if I didn’t. Anyway….boredom set in quickly at this family function for an outsider such as myself. Luckily we hot only had Guitar Hero III and a Wii but we were blessed with the most precious gift of all…….a hyperactive mentally challenged boy. Oh joy of joys! The kids asked for my help in setting the Wii up and I was happy to oblige. It would of been an easy task if the VCR and TV I was supposed to hook it up to were not over 15 years old. Sure we were upset but there was someone among us who would not be deterred but the lack of power to the big plastic guitar. Our local mental midget picked that guitar up and went to town like he was channeling Hendrix at Woodstock. He didn’t need the Wii, the TV, a picture or even music. Everything he needed was inside his head….somewhere.

This was pretty much the only amusing or fun thing this kid did all damn day. The rest of the time he was either asking people to play football or repeating back when you said like a parrot with a speech impediment. While my wife and brother-in-law were nicely trying to humor him and then later ignore him….I found myself facing a wall a few times just to avoid him.

Even with my illness I managed to sneak out under the cover of darkness last night and pick up my copy of Rock Band. I played maybe 3 songs last night before my fever got the best of me. Tonight, cruising at a pleasant 98.6, I managed to play about 20+ tunes of the game. I can’t wait for my friends to get this game. It’s fun alone but it’ll be way better as a group. I am hoping I can get some people to come over and play. I created a band called Popcorn Prophets and I need a crew to perform with. For now I only have the game and I am using my Guitar Hero 3 guitar with it. In a few months they are releasing the wireless Rock Band guitar so until then I am going to work on everything but the drums. The vocals are intimidating so I am not going to try those until I am alone and over this awful cough.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Hundred Acre Theory

The Hundred Acre Woods is pretty normal except for the fact that it is full of toy animals that talk. If you can get past that part then you have a shot at understanding the rest of my post. The animals/toys all have reasonable personalties with two glaring exceptions. Tigger and Eeyore are certainly the ones that stick out the most. Tigger is in need of an intervention for speed or needs to have his Ritalin refilled. Eeyore could needs to be put on suicide watch and needs to attempt smiling now and then. On their own the are polar opposites and are outcasts a bit. All my favorite stories growing up involved these two getting together to even each other a bit. Neither one is going to change who they are but simple interaction can make each of them good for the other one. I know an Eeyore and I know a Tigger. Their individual lives work for them pretty well. The real interesting times come when they get together. At first it seems as smart as mixing ammonia and bleach but soon you’ll see they work well for each other….even if they don’t notice it. Evolution will never progress far enough that Tiggers and Eeyores are done away with completely but at times they can be very helpful to each other.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

I’ve Been Stuck On Mars

I’ve been missing out on blogging a bit recently for a number of reasons and one of those reasons is named Veronica Mars. For my birthday my wife bought me Veronica Mars: The Complete First Season. It was a show that caught my eye because Kevin Smith was a fan and did a guest spot on the show in the second season. It popped up on my radar then but I hadn't really thought much about it until the first season hit a lower price. I didn't finish the first episode quickly but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t interesting. It’s a teen drama about a high school student who investigates different mysteries and cases. I figured it would be like Harriet The Spy in a slightly older age bracket. It turned out that while Veronica is a “lower class” citizen in a “high class” school the show is very adult at times. It always amazed me that Buffy The Vampire Slayer was slammed at times for tackling such adult topics while set in such a fantasy world. Veronica Mars is a pretty grownup show in a teenage setting. There are a number of very spoiled boys and rich bitches in the show the bring it down at times but issues like rape and murder help reach a more adult viewer. It’s a 90210 setting but with more brains and a sexier lead female if I may be so bold.

Anyway…..I knew that season 1 ended on a bit of a cliffhanger so when I was nearing the end it was time to take action. When we were out shopping one day my wife and I picked up both the second and the third, and final, season. While it was a busy week and I was fighting a cold, I was able to finish season 2 last night and make a small dent in the last season. It’s another great show I can’t wait to finish but that I also don’t want to end.

Mark your calendars folks. The X-Files 2 hasn't even started filming yet but has a tentative release date of July 25, 2008. I know that casual fans won’t be banging on theater doors that day but as a salivating fan I am more than ready. My one buddy is getting married in July and when I heard the date I had to text him to make sure the dates wouldn't conflict. As great as a friend as he is…..I knew The X-Files way before I knew him but since they are on different weekends I don’t have to pick favorites. I can tell you picking between a stuffy church and an air conditioned theater would of been a tough one.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Normal = Boring?

I've never been the type to follow the normal plan of adulthood. It’s not because I’m a rebel or anything. I just find that plan doesn't work for me at all. The whole work all day and then come home to eat dinner, watch TV and fall asleep before the evening news is a scary fucking prospect to me. I have to toss in some pleasure here and there to make sure I don’t lose total control. Movies and games are certainly the two things that keep me fairly calm. Social interaction is one that used to help me vent and blow off steam but recently that iteration has been limited. I am hoping that Guitar Hero III will help draw in some people who I can hang out with. I know that there are a number of people at work who are dying to play/try it. It’ll be nice to mingle with some people who like to play games and have a good time because it’s something I sorely miss.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Gone But Not Forgotten

I really don’t blog as much lately as I once did. It’s not because my life is boring but I am sure some folks would say that. I enjoy my life, my hobbies and the daily things I do. Lately I have found no time for blogging in that mix. It simply doesn’t happen as much as I would like to. I also have to admit that for every 5 posts I actually put up I probably have one that I started and for one reason or another I just never finished. Some are written in anger, some in the heat of the moment, some when I was feel sentimental and others were probably written while I was drunk. They are thoughts I started but never really got around to completing.

Every few years I seem to have a decent sized shift in my life. Most times they involve the friends I have. I know I covered this before but with all my friends moving away I have found I need to fill a decent sized amount of free time. I have done that recently by helping a friend out and spending some time with her daughter. It’s been a rough few weeks but a couple of good things have come out of it. One of the big ones is I finally feel more capable of handling kids. I am as shocked as everyone else. This development has led to a revised baby chat with the wife that finally had a more positive outcome that she had been waiting for. We aren’t trying just yet but Kelsey is now taking prenatal vitamins to help get herself a little better prepared for when we take that final step. I better watch out because that last step in a doozy.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Fun You Can Bank On

We have survived yet another encounter with my family. It was a pretty brief trip but the lack of sleep my wife and I had made it a very long day. We got up early but still had to drive to State College with the sun in our eyes. I had no idea that my Dad was off so we went out with my parents for the afternoon. They wanted to take us to a local restaurant that had been built in an old bank.

It was a cool place, added a picture of it below, but the waitress was a little scattered. We walked in around 11:45 and were promptly handed breakfast menus. We proceeded to look at one side of the menu, at the other side and then at each other. We repeated that process more than a few times. We soon asked for the other menus and eventually got them. I got a pretty good laugh at the hours of operation as we were leaving. I took a picture but I am afraid that people reading it may suffer from brain hemorrhages. It takes a degree to figure out what hours they may be open and what meal you can expect them to be serving at that time of day. It really should not be so complex.

We then went and did some random things around the area. We hit up a town wide garage sale. We went to the mall and I was able to pick up the 3D movie poster for The Rocky Horror Picture Show as well as Neurotically Yours Volume 3. My Foamy the Squirrel collection is once again complete.

It was then time to meet my family for the birthday gathering. It was a pretty good time even if they were watching football the whole time. My aunt was in a pissy mood since Penn State lost and it took her a bit of time to come around and be sociable. We ended up looking at photo albums and other than my Dad making fun of everyone else’s pictures it was enjoyable.

After dinner it was time to meet a former girlfriend. My wife was nervous about the experience and my family was baffled by it. Luckily I don’t care what my family thought and I knew my wife would survive the experience. We met at Perkins to chat for a bit. It’s very weird to talk to someone you have so much history with especially if it is a 50/50 mix of good and bad times. We both still care about each other but there are things about our past we can never get past. I guess you will run into that.

It was a fun trip home but we got up tired and struggled all day to stay awake. I am glad I got to see my family. We don’t have much in common at times but we really do have a good time together once we all just relax and act “normal”.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

There Can Be Only ONE!

So Kevin Smith posted an update on MySpace. It seems that Bryan Johnson, Steve-Dave from Mallrats, has been in charge of the West Coast Secret Stash and it’s another job in a long line of jobs he hates. I guess he was in charge of the East Coast Secret Stash and hated it. Then he was in charge of Jay and Silent Bob’s Secret Stash for some time and hated it. So when Kevin needed someone to run the West Coast Secret Stash I guess Bryan was the logical choice……? Anyway, as with the other jobs he grew tired of this one too. Kevin made him a deal and said that if they couldn't find a new person to run the store by the time the lease was up they would close the store and Bryan would be free. I guess Kevin believed he could find a close friend he trusted in time. Turns out he was wrong and the store will be closing in about a month. You can read the full story here.

It’s sad news as I’m such a fan of Kevin but I have to say thank god it isn't the East Coast Secret Stash. Kevin said that he is sad that the store is closing but it was never a real cash cow like the East Coast stash is. That blew my mind until I realized that I've only been there twice and dropped about 400.00 between those trips. Then you look at the record line we had for the one Kevin signing. I guess either we have bigger fans out this way of else there just isn't much else to do. There is a signing event coming up on the 29th of this month and of course I am tempted once again to make the trip. My wife is on board knowing that we can take our camping gear and really see the sights. My sights I am sure she doesn't mean going to see the Quick Stop yet again. I promised my family I would see them during my vacation and I promised my wife we would spend some time together. This really is a way to do those things as well as meet Kevin again and get more shit signed. I can almost taste the White Castle burgers.

Monday, September 10, 2007

The Crazy Man Poses Little Danger

Tonight at work the one guy who works for me called me out to our back dock. He happened to see someone behind our dumpster. I guess there have been a few cases locally of suspicious activities and he had heard a few bizarre stories. I had to stand out there a few minutes before the shadow behind the dumpster moved enough to recognize that it was a person. My view was obstructed by what I was told was a bike. After staring at the black blob in the dark for a bit I clearly saw a hand move around a bit. The thing was over 30 feet away and still creeped me out. I went to tell the boss about this odd event. Before I knew it this one server pacing the dock calling out to this person. He asked if they were ok and they exchanged a few comments that I didn't hear. He said that he had seen the guy eating and he seemed normal. The cops showed up a bit later and took the man, who was pretty drunk from what I heard, away to sober up for the night.

The only thing odder than the mystery man behind the dumpster was the casual way the server blew off the whole thing. Using the defense that the guy had just been inside eating doesn't make the situation any less creepy. I asked him if he had ever heard the phrase “casing the joint” in my usual sarcastic manner. It seems to me that any potential crook would have better odds of success if he knew the number of people he might have to deal with and the layout of the location. It really blew my mind how easily he just brushed the whole thing aside. Maybe I've just seen way too many movies but it is very clear he hasn’t seen enough.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Send In The Next Wave!

I had friends in high school. I left them behind when I went to college. Those friends fell by the wayside when I moved to Orlando. I ended up picking up and leaving them to move here. It’s been 6 years and now everyone for once has picked up and split on me for a change. In a span of a year or so I’ve had pretty much everyone I hung out with pick up and move on. It happens…..I realize this…..but that doesn’t mean I have to adjust to it quickly. I’ve not tried to be a prick but at times I don’t respond to someone because of self loathing and self pity. It’s weird having the tables reversed. Frankly it sucks. I realize in this day and age we have the ability to reach out and touch people in a number of convenient ways. As much as I love my technology it just doesn’t replace human contact. There aren’t many humans I enjoy contact with so when one of the elite moves on it’s a shock to the system. The only ace up my sleeve is they all still have family around here… they all have to visit some time. I just have to wait…..patiently.

With the pseudo-loss of old friends comes the attempt at maybe making some new ones. Oh joy. There are high ranking government jobs that require an easier screening process than the one I lay down. Tonight my wife invited 2 people she works with over. It ended up being a real geek fest for us guys while the ladies were utterly clueless. He would ask if I had ever seen [ insert random internet joke, bizarre movie or pop culture event here ] and it would spiral off into a very bizarre conversation. Those people whom I am friends with now should know that while my geek side was out on full force my sarcastic side took the night off. Wondering why he got special treatment you never got for you or your respective other halves huh? I was feeling generous. He’s never seen Shaun of the Dead or Army of Darkness but he enjoyed Serenity so he seems to be a viable candidate.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Just A Quick Note

My blogging time has been greatly decrease lately. It’s mainly due to video games and movies. We have 3 out at a time plans for both Netflix and GameFly so I’m a busy guy. There was also a slight snafu and it seems GameFly sent me 4 games so I am even more swamped with stuff than I expected to be. The main culprit is the new 360 game called Bioshock. The day it came in my wife and I were watching a movie and she understood I wanted to pause it to try my game out. Over 5 hours later I figured it was time to maybe watch the rest of the movie. Since then I have spent many hours a night playing the game and I have been loving it. The story was a bit thin at first so I was a little bummed out but eventually everything fell into place. It’s a beautiful game to look at and I think I would almost be having as much fun if I were watching someone else play it. I am trying to boost my XBOX Gamerscore to 30,000 by the day of my 30th birthday. Thanks to this game I past the 29,000 mark and then some. I have almost a month to get about 800 more points. Shouldn't be too much of an issue. It’s a rather lame goal to some but it’s better to have a lame goal than no goal at all.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

The Dangers Of Blank Greeting Cards

Around the time of the wedding entry I gave my wife a card. I picked up an empty shell of a card and proceeded to pretend I was as well trained as those Hallmark professionals. It was a small note to tell my wife I was looking forward to spending time with her after she was done helping to get the wedding pulled off. To me it was sweet and innocent. To my wife it documentation of her inability to care for her husband. Was she implying I was some sort of infant? Sure I like a nipple in my mouth now and then but that hardly validates the point. The argument about the card was short and not because either side won. I simply at one point just stopped caring and I added “kind gestures” to the list of things I will never worry about again.

I guess it’s bad to like attention. I dislike most people but still like making people laugh because I adore the attention. This doesn't mean the attention from my wife is the same as the attention I can get from anyone else. I didn't need the attention from just anyone and I assumed the card might help show that I was waiting for her. It really only showed that I will next time buy a cookie cutter card that someone else carefully worded.

Monday, July 30, 2007

Arnold The Pig Was NOT Invited

I really want to get to the wedding part of the entry but first things first.

I went to get a haircut the other day in preparation for the wedding. The wife came along because she was in charge of the trim/hack job. I got in the chair, removed my glass, donned the little bib and awaited my fate. The hairdresser asked my wife what we were looking for. My wife said a shorter summer cut that was simple. Next thing I know this lady is flipping the pages of the hair magazines in search of a look. My wife kindly shot them all down. She then points to a poster on the wall. My wife slowly said that was kind of what she was looking for. I could her the severe doubt in her voice but it was too late. She scissors were already on their way to meet my head. The cut is super short and I’m open with that. The problem was the styling she went with for my cut. I looked like the main character from a Final Fantasy game. It was far too wild and spikey. As soon as we left the shop I made my wife take me home so I could wash my hair before we made our errands for the day.

So now for the wedding entry. I will never come out and say the wedding was populated by hillbillies. I will simply let you know the details and assume you are smart enough to piece the puzzle together. If the blog title confuses you then you need to goggle the pig’s name.

1. The reception tent was from a circus. It seems in a round about way I am now related to carny folk who were kind enough to lend out their tent. I think elephants for a merry-go-round at this thing would of made it the perfect night.

2. The groom was supposedly arriving on a tractor. This did not happen but this missing feature did not really serve to class up the event.

3. While the wedding was very casual due to it being outside, in fucking July, only one person arrive wearing overalls.

4. It seems a family member had to decline the invitation to the wedding once he heard the seating for the wedding was going to be hay bales. That was pure joy in shorts.

5. I witnessed my wife’s grandmother do a shot of Pukcer and then follow it up with a full body quiver. Later she said that she really was hoping it was going to be whiskey in the glass.

6. I met a very nice girl who goes by the nickname Moo. She was certainly attractive but did have a birthmark on the back of her leg. Perhaps that little spot reminded someone of a dairy cow’s spots.

7. A porta potty was provided for the ladies and the men mainly walked over the hill next to the tent to piss.

8. The fireworks show was stunning but I felt the finale with the ones shooting into the one corner of the tent was a tad over the top. Someone really needs to turn in this relative in for his firework smuggling before his luck gets any worse.

It really was a night to remember and I guess in the end that is what someone wants for their wedding. It sure wasn’t the type of event I would of planned but it seemed that most of the people had a good time. I am going to a party on the 18th of August and I believe Moo is going to be there. Think I should try and get to the bottom of the name?

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

When Threesomes Don’t Work Out

It’s such a relief not having a PS3 any longer. While the system had some merits it seemed that each day Sony lost more and more to Microsoft and Nintendo. One day they will make a wild claim and piss off for fans. Another day they will lose the exclusive rights to a popular series they have relied on to sell systems. Sure there was the Blu-Ray player and some titles I wanted to stick it out for but sometimes the love can’t be spread out that much. I feel much better about the Wii60 combo as we gamers have nicknamed it. Ive played more Wii in the past 2 weeks than I did the first 2 months we had it. The Scarface game was fun as hell. I am getting back into Super Paper Mario. Wii Sports holds up still for being such a basic series of games. My copy of Harry Potter showed up today and casting spells with the Wiimote kicks butt. The two systems I have now work for me very well. Tom, Chris and Mike can enjoy my company on XBOX Live and a nice Wii game can entertain the wife and I. I knew one other person with a PS3 and frankly I’m not even going to bother telling him I don’t have it any longer.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Concentrated Nerd Food

This will a brief post. My head hurts and my eyes have had enough. I think Transformers broke my brain. I saw this movie as being a check your brain at the door kind of event. I was smart enough to foresee that the action in the movie is more than our weak human minds can process. The movie was top notch as far as effects and action. The final showdown was most likely the most over the top and out of control thing I have ever seen. It would of been nice to have a side plot than ran alongside the battle so that the audience could of had time to rest and blink.

Other than the above I have very little else to say that is negative about the movie. I have to say they should just enjoy the hopeful success of this film and forget a sequel. There is only so much robot on robot action a person needs to be happy.

I have to add the once again my snide but honest opinion on the trailers got a bit of a chuckle. The Game Plan trailer shows that all great movie ideas will eventually get run into the ground. A manly man, football star this time around, finds out he has a little girl and has to adapt to being a daddy. The final scene of the trailer shows The Rock tossing balls at the girl on the field. They all smack her around since her motor skills aren’t at all developed. After the trailer I state that if someone had tackled her and laid her out on that field……they would have sold me 100% on the film with that one part. You think I am mean now but when this films bombs they’ll wish they had added that scene in for child haters like myself.

Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Prescription For Sexual Healing

While in the car the other day I was listening to Loveline. Since the departure of Adam Carolla I haven’t enjoyed the show as much as I used to but it is still enjoyable at times to listen to people way more fucked up than I am. They had a caller who was 13 and thinking about having sex with her boyfriend of the same age. Dr. Drew strongly urged them to put a hold on this whole ordeal for a long long time. He said that there is proof that sex before the age of 16 can mentally damage/alter a person because of the actions and feelings sex can bring about. So that’s my problem. I was a few months shy of 16 when the urges could no longer be suppressed. Was my brain really that fragile and susceptible to harm? Did the actions of that harm forever harm the brain in my other head?

I’d say the bizarre relationships I had in high school put me at greater risk than the horizontal mambo. I didn't have a single normal relationship. My courtships, crushes and coupling had to of messed up some wiring upstairs. The sex was a nice way to ease my mind and forget the bizarro world I lived day to day in. I learned a great deal from my girlfriends and flings in school. Sadly I didn't put what I learned to use very often. Each and everything I experienced did have an affect on me but I wouldn't say that is a bad thing.

The teen sex is not the problem. The teen relationships are not the problem. The problem is people who my sex drive is a fucking crime. I can’t see how in the grand scheme of things a desire to fuck is all that bad. I can’t see how I pose a threat to a single person or society as a whole. I can’t see how kids these days can spend a moment of the day not thinking about sex. Sex is fucking everywhere. Growing up I had no cell phone and no internet. Sexual content was more than a few clicks or button presses away. If I had access to items such as these back in the day I think I could of taken matters into my own hands and waited it out until I was 16.