Saturday, May 7, 2011

I'm Not One For Traditions

My wife is worried we'll never have a traditional Mother's Day.  I'd like to assure her that we will but given past holidays it's a hard sell.

  • One Christmas she had to fly home just before the holiday and as soon as left I packed up each and every decoration out of spite and anger.  It was easy to pretend that Xmas in Florida was just another day because it's hard to be in the spirit without snow, festive ugly sweaters or pine trees.
  • We forgot about Easter one year and since the stores were closed we used our Hooters Wing Breading and Hooters Sauce to make a very ghetto holiday meal.  Eating at Hooters isn't lame.....but pretending that the food is the real reason you enjoy Hooters is.  
  • The last Christmas we had before we became parents was one for the book.  We bought raunchy gifts for each other and even without mistletoe encouraging us we were "affectionate" numerous times.
  • I once got up and let my parents house during a 4th of July celebration because my Aunt, notoriously picky about her steaks, commented about how I prepared the burgers and dogs that day.  I'm sure when I got up from the picnic table and got in my car they thought it was odd but I did have the courtesy to call 3 hours later when I got home to give them closure.  To this day I don't cook for any family members when traveling for the holidays   
Even with all that I tried to tell my wife that the concept of this holiday is still lost on a toddler.  It'll get better over time and he'll learn to sign cards and pick out gifts.  For now I think she should take comfort in the fact that the one thing he knows very well is that Mom will come to his aid in a heartbeat and always be there for him.  That is what really counts.

I really should be in bed since this peaceful and heartfelt day means getting bombarded at work for hours and hours on end.  Bring it!