Sunday, June 24, 2007

A Prescription For Sexual Healing

While in the car the other day I was listening to Loveline. Since the departure of Adam Carolla I haven’t enjoyed the show as much as I used to but it is still enjoyable at times to listen to people way more fucked up than I am. They had a caller who was 13 and thinking about having sex with her boyfriend of the same age. Dr. Drew strongly urged them to put a hold on this whole ordeal for a long long time. He said that there is proof that sex before the age of 16 can mentally damage/alter a person because of the actions and feelings sex can bring about. So that’s my problem. I was a few months shy of 16 when the urges could no longer be suppressed. Was my brain really that fragile and susceptible to harm? Did the actions of that harm forever harm the brain in my other head?

I’d say the bizarre relationships I had in high school put me at greater risk than the horizontal mambo. I didn't have a single normal relationship. My courtships, crushes and coupling had to of messed up some wiring upstairs. The sex was a nice way to ease my mind and forget the bizarro world I lived day to day in. I learned a great deal from my girlfriends and flings in school. Sadly I didn't put what I learned to use very often. Each and everything I experienced did have an affect on me but I wouldn't say that is a bad thing.

The teen sex is not the problem. The teen relationships are not the problem. The problem is people who my sex drive is a fucking crime. I can’t see how in the grand scheme of things a desire to fuck is all that bad. I can’t see how I pose a threat to a single person or society as a whole. I can’t see how kids these days can spend a moment of the day not thinking about sex. Sex is fucking everywhere. Growing up I had no cell phone and no internet. Sexual content was more than a few clicks or button presses away. If I had access to items such as these back in the day I think I could of taken matters into my own hands and waited it out until I was 16.