Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Batteries Not Included….Or Even Needed

Greetings all. It’s sure is nice to be back. For almost the past month a vicious cold has been kicking my ass and keeping me from some of my side tasks like blogging. I’m on meds and back on track. Let’s roll….

This past Saturday was “Thanksgiving” for my wife’s family. Originally it was supposed to be my brother-in-laws wedding day but that was scrapped entirely about a month or so ago. I can’t even recall if I blogged about that but it’s a damn shame if I didn’t. Anyway….boredom set in quickly at this family function for an outsider such as myself. Luckily we hot only had Guitar Hero III and a Wii but we were blessed with the most precious gift of all…….a hyperactive mentally challenged boy. Oh joy of joys! The kids asked for my help in setting the Wii up and I was happy to oblige. It would of been an easy task if the VCR and TV I was supposed to hook it up to were not over 15 years old. Sure we were upset but there was someone among us who would not be deterred but the lack of power to the big plastic guitar. Our local mental midget picked that guitar up and went to town like he was channeling Hendrix at Woodstock. He didn’t need the Wii, the TV, a picture or even music. Everything he needed was inside his head….somewhere.

This was pretty much the only amusing or fun thing this kid did all damn day. The rest of the time he was either asking people to play football or repeating back when you said like a parrot with a speech impediment. While my wife and brother-in-law were nicely trying to humor him and then later ignore him….I found myself facing a wall a few times just to avoid him.

Even with my illness I managed to sneak out under the cover of darkness last night and pick up my copy of Rock Band. I played maybe 3 songs last night before my fever got the best of me. Tonight, cruising at a pleasant 98.6, I managed to play about 20+ tunes of the game. I can’t wait for my friends to get this game. It’s fun alone but it’ll be way better as a group. I am hoping I can get some people to come over and play. I created a band called Popcorn Prophets and I need a crew to perform with. For now I only have the game and I am using my Guitar Hero 3 guitar with it. In a few months they are releasing the wireless Rock Band guitar so until then I am going to work on everything but the drums. The vocals are intimidating so I am not going to try those until I am alone and over this awful cough.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The Hundred Acre Theory

The Hundred Acre Woods is pretty normal except for the fact that it is full of toy animals that talk. If you can get past that part then you have a shot at understanding the rest of my post. The animals/toys all have reasonable personalties with two glaring exceptions. Tigger and Eeyore are certainly the ones that stick out the most. Tigger is in need of an intervention for speed or needs to have his Ritalin refilled. Eeyore could needs to be put on suicide watch and needs to attempt smiling now and then. On their own the are polar opposites and are outcasts a bit. All my favorite stories growing up involved these two getting together to even each other a bit. Neither one is going to change who they are but simple interaction can make each of them good for the other one. I know an Eeyore and I know a Tigger. Their individual lives work for them pretty well. The real interesting times come when they get together. At first it seems as smart as mixing ammonia and bleach but soon you’ll see they work well for each other….even if they don’t notice it. Evolution will never progress far enough that Tiggers and Eeyores are done away with completely but at times they can be very helpful to each other.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

I’ve Been Stuck On Mars

I’ve been missing out on blogging a bit recently for a number of reasons and one of those reasons is named Veronica Mars. For my birthday my wife bought me Veronica Mars: The Complete First Season. It was a show that caught my eye because Kevin Smith was a fan and did a guest spot on the show in the second season. It popped up on my radar then but I hadn't really thought much about it until the first season hit a lower price. I didn't finish the first episode quickly but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t interesting. It’s a teen drama about a high school student who investigates different mysteries and cases. I figured it would be like Harriet The Spy in a slightly older age bracket. It turned out that while Veronica is a “lower class” citizen in a “high class” school the show is very adult at times. It always amazed me that Buffy The Vampire Slayer was slammed at times for tackling such adult topics while set in such a fantasy world. Veronica Mars is a pretty grownup show in a teenage setting. There are a number of very spoiled boys and rich bitches in the show the bring it down at times but issues like rape and murder help reach a more adult viewer. It’s a 90210 setting but with more brains and a sexier lead female if I may be so bold.

Anyway…..I knew that season 1 ended on a bit of a cliffhanger so when I was nearing the end it was time to take action. When we were out shopping one day my wife and I picked up both the second and the third, and final, season. While it was a busy week and I was fighting a cold, I was able to finish season 2 last night and make a small dent in the last season. It’s another great show I can’t wait to finish but that I also don’t want to end.

Mark your calendars folks. The X-Files 2 hasn't even started filming yet but has a tentative release date of July 25, 2008. I know that casual fans won’t be banging on theater doors that day but as a salivating fan I am more than ready. My one buddy is getting married in July and when I heard the date I had to text him to make sure the dates wouldn't conflict. As great as a friend as he is…..I knew The X-Files way before I knew him but since they are on different weekends I don’t have to pick favorites. I can tell you picking between a stuffy church and an air conditioned theater would of been a tough one.