Saturday, April 30, 2011

I'm Al Excited, You?

A few days ago I realized I needed to start a Bucket List of sorts. There isn't a ton I want to do before I'm worm food but I need to get cracking on the few things I want to get done.

Other than going to see Toby Keith because my wife made me I've never been to a live music event.  I just don' t like many musicians enough to pay a high price and I never cared for live music. I almost went to see the Spice Girls years ago but the tour kinda fizzled out. When I heard Weird Al was coming to Pittsburgh I wanted to go soooo bad but didn't want to go alone.  I assumed that I wouldn't find anyone around me that could stomach that type of act and pay for it.  Today I found a very unlikely concert buddy. 

For those who don't work with me let me tell you about the man named Shannon.  This man is pretty much no nonsense and seems to almost be devoid of a sense of humor. I'm not saying I dislike the guy but he is pretty much my complete opposite.  He's manly, can fix almost anything and is nice to people who really deserve a kick in the head. When I brought up the concert he jumped at the chance to go. I'm pretty sure we'll have a good time and I'm fairly certain it'll be an adventure.  I'm counting the days.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You'll Know When I'm On The Go

While posting a long post from the app on my Droid isn't going to happen often it will be nice to check in now and then from wherever I might be.

I made a decent dent when it came to putting my old blog entries onto this new blog.  It will be great to have them in one place once again. 

And So it Begins....Again?

Ahhhh. The idea of having a blog again gets my blood pumping. I took down my last one because someone couldn't deal with a comment I made about them. I say comment because I was acutally holding back about them. I could of bitched or moaned about them but I did thhat offline....from the time I took my blog offline YEARS ago until a point in time not too long ago. But enough about that period in my life....

Tons of things have changed since that point in time. I've become a father and hopefully a much better husband. I just needed a spot to talk about the things that happen to me and vent about the things that bother me. I'm hoping it'll be therapeutic for me and entertaining for those who read my posts.

I'm kicking around the idea of adding the many posts from previous blogs to this one but I'm not sure if that will work so stay tuned.