Monday, September 26, 2011

The Day Drug Testing Became Necessary

I’ve smoked weed.  I’ll admit it.  But it was a long time ago and since then something awful has happened to the people who enjoy weed.  What happened you may ask?  Well they forgot that weed is best taken when you have nothing or maybe very little to do.  It’s a way to relax a little more, enjoy a movie in a different way or alter the interaction between you and a few of your stoner friends.  I’ve got no issue with the way things USED to be. 

Nowadays these kids think they can come to work high and nobody will notice.  We notice.  The problem is you have a shitty job that nobody else wants to do and while maybe getting high helps you cope with that it only serves to slllllooooooooowwwwwww down your work speed.  Thanks to that it takes you way longer to accomplish any/all tasks.  I don’t even want to think about how many of these kids think getting high before and during school is a way just to cruise through the day.  News flash you fucking retards…if you don’t learn anything you won’t get anywhere.  At least have the decency to stash the joint away for after school and try to pay attention during class.  You might learn something, get a decent job and maybe you’ll be able to afford better recreational, as in not when you have something better to do, weed. 

I obviously won’t be able to type something here that will “cure” a pothead but I beg you guys to spark up a brain cell more often than you spark up a joint and you’ll see what I’m getting at here.  There are a few productive stoners, Kevin Smith and Seth Rogan come to mind, but are you really aspiring to be either one of those fat clowns?  I sure hope not or weed is the LEAST of your problems after all. 

Friday, September 9, 2011

But I’m Not A Star Wars Nerd

I have bought every major home video release of Star Wars, but I’m not a Star Wars nerd. I’ve bought, put together and displayed a number of Star Wars jigsaw puzzle, but I’m not a Star Wars nerd. I waited in line for Episode 1 tickets for over 24 hours, but I’m not a Star Wars nerd.  I bought the full line of Episode 1 figures, but I’m not a Star Wars nerd. I have a Star Wars shirt that I wore to the Episode 1 premiere and then never put on again, but I’m not a Star Wars nerd.  I’ve played numerous games based on the Star Wars franchise even the ones VERY loosely based in the universe, but I’m not a Star Wars nerd.

With all said I am going to let the blu-ray release of the movies just pass by.  Will I get them down the road so Xander and I can watch them?  Most likely.  I just don’t see a need to go out and spend such a large amount of money on release day for a set of movies that are so vastly different than the ones I’ve enjoyed as I grew up.  I’m not a Star Wars nerd but rather a movie lover and Star Wars is/was a beloved movie.  I put was in there because I really think the backlash gets bigger and bigger each time the saga is changed or “improved”.  Each time a number of fans turn their back on the saga and choose to remember it the way it was and not the way it is now.  I’d be all for a director’s cut if they also would have the decency to put the original version on the discs as well.  I love some of the improved scenery and alterations as long as the existed along side the original saga.  I know it is often small changes but previously it was the Han Shot First debate that raged on.  With the blu-ray release it has become about Vader screaming Nooooooo during the end of Episode IV.  As a Star Wars FAN it is upsetting but as a movie FAN I have to just shrug and let it go since I can’t change it. 

Will I go see the movies when they come out in 3D down the road?  I guess that is left up to George Lucas and his obsession with revisionist history and CGI. 

Friday, August 26, 2011

Just A Quick Note

Now and then I will think of a topic to blog about that will stop me in my tracks and have me write the stroke of genius down before it slips away.  This was not one of those those thoughts but instead a variation that was something I never thought of before today and I knew I wouldn’t forget to post it. 

After getting a message delivered to vocally today that should have been delivered by text message I got to thinking that kids today have it so easy with the fancy phones they carry.  In an “old man” moment I thought back to way back when we had to pass notes around in school.  We bitch about slow response times to messages today but anyone who dated someone they didn’t have a lot of classes with in high school should nodding in agreeance.  Instead of having a brief conversation with someone you’d spend most of your day ignoring your classes, teachers and work to write down inane bullshit for your loved one to read.  Then if you couldn’t hand it directly to that person you had a network of friends that acted as postal workers for you to get the message to where it was going. (I had that wonderful job for friends as times and that was often a thankless endeavor) After your message was passed along like a relay baton you had to play the waiting game and hope that the process would start again in reverse for you. 

As if this ordeal wasn’t distracting enough from real learning I often had to spend additional time apologizing either by yet another letter or in person because a previous letter had been either too short or had poorly communicated something that upset a girlfriend.  I trusted the “couriers” that helped me during high school but you never wanted to be too dirty or too expressive in these letter for fear of snooping.  You also had to take into account that if you upset your girlfriend in one of these correspondences you had just made enemies with every courier that she had “working” for her.  It was a real hassle but it was par for the course and had to be done if you wanted a girlfriend….and some action now and then.

I left high school with boxes of letters that I kept from numerous girlfriends.  I had them up for years even after I had got married.  I didn’t read them or get nostalgic about them.  I really just had them because all during high school these scraps of paper helped to get me through grueling days at a place I would of done anything to escape from.  I didn’t take many pictures during high school because back then we had to use film and film, as well as developing, cost money I didn’t have.  For the big occasions I took pictures but for the daily grind these notes were the only way I had to hold onto some of the better times I encountered during those years.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

In What Will Inevitably Be An Ignored Blog Post….

Dear Sony,

I’ve enjoyed your video game systems since about 1997.  I haven’t been exactly loyal and I’ve dabbled here and there with other consoles but you won me over with the original PlayStation so I was more than ready to purchase a PS2 when the time came. Then I was compelled to buy a PSP for no reason other than brand loyalty.  I should of quit while I was ahead because the PS3, while not only costly during the initial purchase, would eventually become very expensive to maintain.

Some time ago I had to send my console back in due to a video issue I was having during movie playback.  I called, finalized and accepted that to watch my expanding collection of Blu-rays I was going to have to accept the 99.00 service fee.* 

My system and money were shipped away and in return I got what has unfortunately become the accepted solution in the industry….a refurbished unit.  My “new” system seemed to be ok but I didn’t get to use it much given that I had a fairly newborn child running around and I turned to using NetFlix more to satisfy his need for entertainment. 

Once I was able to use my system a bit more I realized the fan had become very loud and the unit was very hot.  Maybe I should of called right then and there for service/another refurb but my wife was on medical leave for an injury and my PS3 time took a backseat to watching and caring for my son while my wife was unable to walk for nearly 3 months. 

She watched a number of movies during the time she was off and my system not only ran very hot and loud but another video issue popped up that might be related to the extreme heat the system now produces.  I wanted it fixed but when we lost my wife’s income for months at a time I wasn’t about to call if I thought I would be paying nearly 100.00 to get the system that someone else had an issue with.  I was forced to move my PS3 to a room adjacent to my home theater and the HDMI cable to my setup because of the ridiculous fan noise I was encountering. 

Once a second income started coming in again I called and got the answer I was expecting but still wasn’t prepared for.  I would once again have to pay a service fee to fix a system that in a way wasn’t even mine.  I could of taken the money to fix it but it wasn’t worth it when my family was already struggling to pay medical bills and climb back out of the hole.  It felt like an issue that would never be solved no matter how much money I threw at it. 

I’m not looking for a handout, pity or hateful backlash that the internet is famous for.  I just thought Sony should know how they product and replacement plans are flawed.  As I said at the start of this I have had other consoles and I’m no stranger to the RROD from my XBOX 360.  With that being said I’ve sent my 360 in two times for the RROD issue and while I once again got a refurbished unit back one of those times I have yet to pay any extra on top of the purchase price I paid on November 22, 2005.  As much as I want to enjoy the wide selection of exclusive PS3 and PSN games I have to wonder if the 99.00 repair fee would be better spent on a standalone Blu-ray player in place of my “fixed” PS3.


Thomas Stark


I just want to add that when I called and mentioned to the CS agent that I heard repairs cost 100.00 and he corrected me saying they were only 99.00…..I should of realized this wasn’t going to be a happy ending.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I Don’t Wand It To Be Over

I said I was going to post my feelings on the latest, and last, Harry Potter film last night.  I was slightly off with my time frame but here it is.

Honesty the best part of the movie was the audience.  This isn’t a knock on the movie but rather a compliment to the entire series.  I was in a theater that was filled with people that were invested in the films/books and you could tell it over and over again.  I normally hate the movie going experience these days because of the mass amount assholes who share the 2 hours or so with me.  They’ve spent a few dollars to escape reality but they are still so damn concerned with stuff on their cell phones or chatting with the person next to them.  On the other hand I’ve been to movies like the first X-Files film or Episode 1 where even the die hard fans just can’t contain their excitement or their voices.  I guess having a good number of Potter fans be quiet bookworms really paid off during this film.

Now the amazing thing about the crowd was that the movie was soooo quiet at times that even a slightly loose lipped patron could of stood out.  I’ve NEVER been to a movie where so much of the film seemed to be devoid of dialog, sound effects and even music.  It certainly added to the eerie nature of the film.  It was unsettling and really worked for the film.  I almost wish there would have been more music or it would have been louder because I think the scores from these films are always underrated.  Also while we talk about the film being unconventional I thought that had they opted to exclude the WB logo at the start of the film it would have been the best opening sequence I’ve witnessed in a long time. 

Now on to the movie….

What started as a simple whimsical journey really did turn out darker than I expected it to.  I wish it could of stayed a little more innocent but where is the fun in that.  I want to know more about these characters and I want to read all those scenes that Potter fans complained were omitted from the films.  Best movie series ever?  Not in my eyes but as a 33 year old male it is amazing that these films have me wanting to read the books so damn bad.  It also has me spending money here soon to go to The Wizarding World.  I already enjoy the films but I think when I can share them with Xander down the road it’ll entertain me more as I watch him grow up with the films. 

Emotionally the film did get to me.  When the series about a little orphanded wizard began I wasn’t a parent.  By the end of the series when so many people cared for this boy and protected him I had my own child and could understand that on a whole other level.  It was a very touching and emotional film and even if it didn’t make money, which we all know isn’t the case, it would still be a hit when it came to making you care for and about characters who were once just words on a page.  

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

You’ve Got A Friend In Me…Temporarily.


People often complain about how the friends you have on Facebook aren’t real friends.  Personally they are perfect for me because the friends I make in real life are often have a short shelf life.

I’ve only ever had a few really great friends.  I can probably count them on one hand.  In my years I have encountered a select few people who can see that while sarcastic and slightly mean spirited I can be entertaining given the chance.  Given my hobbies and passions outside of work my home has almost always been a great place to relax and entertain.  The friendships I have cherished have burned brightly but never lasted as long they should of. 

Highschool friendships were doomed for the most part almost immediately.  The person you are for those 4 years can change rather quickly once you enter the real world.  I actually have better relationships with most of my ex-girlfriends now and hardly talk at all to any to the guys I went to school with.  That either says something about them or something about me.  I’m not sure which.

College friends are next up.  Only had one close friend in college and I can’t count him dying in a car crash against my ability to keep friends.  We spoke with decent regularity up until the days before the accident.  With meeting my wife at college I didn’t really bother getting close to many other people.

The friends I had in Orlando were mostly drinking buddies since the jobs we did kept us wanting to constantly drown our sorrows and bad days.  I had two friends that were more than that to me and honestly I just lost one’s phone number and they other never replied to messages for the longest time. 

Making friends once I moved to where I am now was tough.  I was constantly older than the high school kids we would employ at work and being a homebody meant I never went other places to meet other people.  I had video game buddies who would come over numerous time each week but it took a long time to meet some decent people who I connected with. 

Those few would go on to before very close friends and a few even became neighbors.  I’d feel much worse about losing them and having them just be Facebook friends but the destruction of those friendships were not all my doing and that is a bit of relief to me.  I certainly miss them and I’ve even reached out to them before to try and recover what was lost.  I enjoy the time I spend with my wife and son but it certinly would be nice to have a friend to go out with or just hang out with but honestly after all I’ve written about above I’m doubtful I’ll even bother making “real” friends again. 

Monday, June 20, 2011

A Moments Piece

I still hoping to keep up on this blog but it seems that finding time to sit and really focus on an entry is going to be the real challenge.  I wouldn’t say that we have a set routine or schedule but finding time to add another task to my daily list will take some fancy footwork.  Getting time to see Green Lantern wasn’t easy but it had to be done since it was one of the few movies this summer I felt would be worth seeing in the theatre, 

So….Green Lantern.  I was pretty pleased with the movie when it was over.  Origin stories are necessary but they often drag down a movie.  It isn’t until the second movie in a series that you can just get off an running.  GL did have slow and wordy moments but you often cut between those moments with some other pretty spectacular scenes.  I know they spent a ton on effects and then a few months before the release they opted to spend even more on them to spice up the film a bit more.  The best visuals were easily Hal Jordan’s suit and the things he created with the ring.  I was actually disappointed with the fact that he did get to create more with his ring because those creations not only looked great but they were often pretty creative.  Ryan Reynolds wasn’t someone fans of the comic really wanted in the role at first but he was by far the only person that I enjoyed in the movie.  The other actors were very forgettable and that was something that often took me out of the film. 

What else did I not like?  Well….I really didn’t dislike too much else until I started to read other reviews and listen to some of the podcasts I subscribe to,  Once I heard others point out faults in the film I realized they were right but I was in denial since I wanted it to be the best thing ever.  The biggest complaint I read was the fact that the Green Lantern Corp has over 6,000 members but yet when Hal goes to ask for help to save Earth he is told he needs to do it alone.  It’s a shame that they kept talking about this huge army and what they could do with these amazing rings but never showed a multi Lantern battle. 

I just checked the green that Lantern brought in this weekend and while not a flop it didn’t make the kind of money that secures a sequel.  This is the real stinger of the box office results:

To put the numbers in perspective, fewer people saw "Green Lantern" on opening weekend than the film adaptations of lesser known superheroes like "Daredevil" and "Ghost Rider."

Ouch.  But then again they are rebooting Daredevil and making a second Ghost Rider with Nic Cage so Hollywood often doesn’t learn a lesson when flops hurt their bottom line. 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Gotta Live A Little

I have to say that the past few weeks has been a real departure from my normal routine.  Usually nothing makes me happier than getting a movie or a game and just staying in.  I normally hate going out because of crowds and my general intolerance of said crowds.
In diverging from my normal routine recently I've been able to see talented performers that I have enjoyed for ages. 
Weird Al isn't for everyone and I get that.  His music, which is often someone else's music, isn't something that will get radio play or be a huge seller. With all that said the guy has been around and in the public eye for ages.  He is also a pop culture icon who gets referenced more often than some of the stars he parodies.  Getting to hear him and see live was amazing and having it take place in such an intimate venue was even better.
Dave Foley might of faded from the spotlight for a few years but The Kids In The Hall was an early comedic influence for me.  Getting to see the whole cast at the Hard Rock Theater in Orlando so many years ago was a blast.  The entire cast was entertaining but for me Foley was always the standout star.  He is new to the stand-up business and I hope that it works out for him. I also hope the sitcom he has coming up is a hit. 
I appreciate my wife's patience when it came to me spending money recently that we didn't necessarily have.  I guess that she knew how badly I wanted to go to these events since I rarely want to leave home.  I don't have a fancy or extravagant "Bucket List" but I have been able to cross a few things off my list recently.  Now to save up for the more costly things on my list. 

Saturday, May 7, 2011

I'm Not One For Traditions

My wife is worried we'll never have a traditional Mother's Day.  I'd like to assure her that we will but given past holidays it's a hard sell.

  • One Christmas she had to fly home just before the holiday and as soon as left I packed up each and every decoration out of spite and anger.  It was easy to pretend that Xmas in Florida was just another day because it's hard to be in the spirit without snow, festive ugly sweaters or pine trees.
  • We forgot about Easter one year and since the stores were closed we used our Hooters Wing Breading and Hooters Sauce to make a very ghetto holiday meal.  Eating at Hooters isn't lame.....but pretending that the food is the real reason you enjoy Hooters is.  
  • The last Christmas we had before we became parents was one for the book.  We bought raunchy gifts for each other and even without mistletoe encouraging us we were "affectionate" numerous times.
  • I once got up and let my parents house during a 4th of July celebration because my Aunt, notoriously picky about her steaks, commented about how I prepared the burgers and dogs that day.  I'm sure when I got up from the picnic table and got in my car they thought it was odd but I did have the courtesy to call 3 hours later when I got home to give them closure.  To this day I don't cook for any family members when traveling for the holidays   
Even with all that I tried to tell my wife that the concept of this holiday is still lost on a toddler.  It'll get better over time and he'll learn to sign cards and pick out gifts.  For now I think she should take comfort in the fact that the one thing he knows very well is that Mom will come to his aid in a heartbeat and always be there for him.  That is what really counts.

I really should be in bed since this peaceful and heartfelt day means getting bombarded at work for hours and hours on end.  Bring it!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

I'm Al Excited, You?

A few days ago I realized I needed to start a Bucket List of sorts. There isn't a ton I want to do before I'm worm food but I need to get cracking on the few things I want to get done.

Other than going to see Toby Keith because my wife made me I've never been to a live music event.  I just don' t like many musicians enough to pay a high price and I never cared for live music. I almost went to see the Spice Girls years ago but the tour kinda fizzled out. When I heard Weird Al was coming to Pittsburgh I wanted to go soooo bad but didn't want to go alone.  I assumed that I wouldn't find anyone around me that could stomach that type of act and pay for it.  Today I found a very unlikely concert buddy. 

For those who don't work with me let me tell you about the man named Shannon.  This man is pretty much no nonsense and seems to almost be devoid of a sense of humor. I'm not saying I dislike the guy but he is pretty much my complete opposite.  He's manly, can fix almost anything and is nice to people who really deserve a kick in the head. When I brought up the concert he jumped at the chance to go. I'm pretty sure we'll have a good time and I'm fairly certain it'll be an adventure.  I'm counting the days.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

You'll Know When I'm On The Go

While posting a long post from the app on my Droid isn't going to happen often it will be nice to check in now and then from wherever I might be.

I made a decent dent when it came to putting my old blog entries onto this new blog.  It will be great to have them in one place once again. 

And So it Begins....Again?

Ahhhh. The idea of having a blog again gets my blood pumping. I took down my last one because someone couldn't deal with a comment I made about them. I say comment because I was acutally holding back about them. I could of bitched or moaned about them but I did thhat offline....from the time I took my blog offline YEARS ago until a point in time not too long ago. But enough about that period in my life....

Tons of things have changed since that point in time. I've become a father and hopefully a much better husband. I just needed a spot to talk about the things that happen to me and vent about the things that bother me. I'm hoping it'll be therapeutic for me and entertaining for those who read my posts.

I'm kicking around the idea of adding the many posts from previous blogs to this one but I'm not sure if that will work so stay tuned.